helptamilnadu(at) +91 9360 288 767

About Help Foundation India

A Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) of repute, the HELP FOUNDATION INDIA, based out of Chennai, has been carrying out social engineering activities on behalf of both Government Agencies including PSUs through their various pro-poor schemes and Corporates under their CSR initiatives.

In this context, We are am pleased to invite you to have a look at our activities detailed here.

As unequivocally spelt out in our brochure, it is our resolve to play a reliable and trustworthy bridge between the policies - be they are of Union/State Governments and Corporates of significance - and beneficiaries even at the remotest corners of Tamil Nadu. Reaching the hitherto unreached and contributing towards making a plural, equitable and just society by forging formidable partnerships with various Agencies/Institutions has been and continues to remain our singular goal.

This NGO, ably guided by the members of the Trust, has brought out the much-needed social transformation with substantial funding from the Union/State Governments and some PSUs. In the past, we have implemented various activities towards sustainable social development including the following:

  1. Generating awareness as well as ensuring best practices in sanitation and hygiene among children, adolescents and adults across gender, with particular focus though on women.
  2. Providing easy access to safe drinking water to communities that remain deprived.
  3. Providing protected housing and sanitation facilities to the urban and rural poor.
  4. Making available the best of solid waste management systems in rural areas.

It is against this backdrop that we thought it fit to approach you with a view to collaborating with your various CSR initiatives. If we are provided with an opportunity to showcase our NGO, we will be much pleased to depute our staff to explain in person our vision, mission and accomplishments.